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asked questions

The questions included in this FAQ list are those most frequently asked via telephone, email or the website. You can find answers to most of your questions about our work elsewhere on our website.

I have an autism spectrum profile and would like to do an internship, holiday job or volunteer work at Passwerk/TRplus. Is that possible?


Despite our close affinity with autism and the added value we both recognise and apply in the labour market, Passwerk/TRplus is not able to offer internships, holiday jobs or volunteer work.


Our consultancy model in particular, in which our employees provide our services on-site at our clients, makes organising internships, holiday jobs and volunteer work very difficult.


Our services are also very specific. All of our employees go through an intensive internal assessment and training programme before beginning work at one of our clients. It is not possible for us to implement this same preparatory training for internships, holiday jobs or volunteer work.



I have finished studying and have a diploma in .... I was told that you offer various training courses for people with autism. Is this correct?


Passwerk/TRplus is a service providing company that offers several specific services to external clients (for example, a company, a bank, a web designer, etc.). Passwerk offers various training courses for our employees based on our services, such as software tester or BI consultant courses. We will also provide a training course for SOC analysts, but in order to qualify for this, candidates must already have a bachelor's degree in ICT.


You must always first become a Passwerk employee by successfully completing the recruitment procedure before you can begin an internal training course. Passwerk does not offer courses for people with autism in general.


You must have taken a specific course in computer programming to be eligible as a software developer. We do not offer these courses ourselves.



I am interested in working in administration, on an assembly line, woodworking, as a baker, a butcher, etc. Can you help me find a job?


Passwerk/TRplus currently offers services in software testing, various types of support processes (see examples on this website under services/Support Processes), software development (High Code & Low Code), Security operations center and Business Intelligence.


Passwerk/TRplus searches for suitable assignments within these domains and we support our consultants with job coaching during their employment at Passwerk/TRplus.


We are not an interim agency for people with autism who, whatever their career aspirations, are looking for suitable work in the market. If you are looking for work in a domain that Passwerk/TRplus is not specialized in, please contact the VDAB (GTB) and/or a GOB (specialized training, coaching and mediation service).



I applied earlier and received a negative answer at that time. Can I reapply?


Yes, our application procedure allows you to apply for the same function a second time under the following conditions:


  • Your first application must have been completed at least 1 year ago.

  • A second application is always considered as a new (first) application.



I live in …? Can I work in that region via Passwerk/TRplus?


The majority of our jobs are in the Brussels region. So it is important that you can get there. We have a maximum travel time of approximately one hour (one-way) in order to be eligible.


For candidates from West-Flanders, we look mainly at accessibility to Roeselare, Courtrai and Bruges. Accessibility to Brussels is of secondary importance.




Do you also have short projects, for example, 1 day a week? I have recently recovered from a burnout and/or am only able to work a limited amount?


Most of our consultants work full-time (38 hours/week). A smaller group works 30 hours/week. Due to the nature of our services, working a very limited number of hours per week is not possible. Therefore, the answer is no, it is not possible to work for us just one day a week.


There is a complete selection procedure (initial interview, tests, assessment) you must follow before you can begin working for us. Due to your limited work load, this procedure is most likely too taxing.



I'm a work coach/job coach, etc. Will you be hiring more job coaches?


Depending on our growth, we will hire additional job coaches. If we are looking for a job coach, we will announce it via a pop-up on our website.


You can also apply on our website at any time.




Can people with autism who only want to work from home come to you?


Passwerk/TRplus consultants work both on-site at the client and at one of our offices. If the client so desires, this can be combined with working from home.




I think I have autism but do not have an official diagnosis. Do you make diagnoses and can I work for you without a diagnosis?


Passwerk/TRplus specifically recruits employees with an official autism diagnosis. The impact autism has on each person on the spectrum can vary greatly, and so can the diagnosis.


An official autism or autism traits diagnosis is sufficient to be eligible for recruitment.


Passwerk/TRplus does not make diagnoses. For more information about diagnoses/diagnosing autism, first contact your GP, medical specialist or other healthcare professionals, such as a psychologist or auticoach. You will generally be referred to a specialized diagnostic centre or a psychiatrist who can make an official diagnosis.



When will you be recruiting new software testers? (High Code)


The timing for recruiting new software testers at Passwerk always depends on the market economy situation and projections. This means we only begin a new recruitment round when we are certain there are sufficient jobs with new clients for the number of potential new employees in the next recruitment round.


This way of working means we do not have pre-determined time periods for new recruitment rounds.

It is always possible to apply in between recruitment rounds. Every candidate who has already been selected for the next assessment will be kept up to date personally regarding the next assessment.


Software developers and BI consultants with a diploma are welcome to apply year round. If the profile is suitable, the software developer candidate will be invited for an interview.




How long will I have to wait to get an interview?


The timing for recruiting new software testers at Passwerk always depends on the market economy situation and projections. This means we only begin a new recruitment round when we are certain there are sufficient jobs with new clients for the number of potential new employees in the next recruitment round.


You can apply at any time, but the time period between application and a possible initial interview can vary greatly.  After we receive your application, we will contact you personally.

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